Selling this nice IG i've had for a little bit, I get messages daily complimenting it, one of the most admired SMs i've owned even though its not the most expensive thing i've had.
IG: Th*rn
(prickle bush, dope alias)
CO: $70 BTC @Chaz
BIN: $135 BTC! OR $155 Paypal if I trust you.
~ 2nd owner ever.
~ 100% secure.
~ If middleman is requested I'll use @Rude , @Monster or @FeaR
Let me know guys!
IG: Th*rn
(prickle bush, dope alias)
CO: $70 BTC @Chaz
BIN: $135 BTC! OR $155 Paypal if I trust you.
~ 2nd owner ever.
~ 100% secure.
~ If middleman is requested I'll use @Rude , @Monster or @FeaR
Let me know guys!