is anyone giving a free og Instagram @ away ?

187 said:
inb4 he tries to sell it in a week.
inb4 gave it to him. Inb4 it was a joke.
Does anybody have a instagram @ I got scammed today I would really appreciate it I will help you in the future
Loser said:
When you mean OG do you mean $5-$10 ones or $50 ones?

5-10$ ones I just want a basic name

Trap said:
Free OG's / giveaways are rare on this forum. You're likely to find "Microwavingest" for free in giveaways though. ;P

Yea I can't find it can u give me a link or something ?
supremeunity said:
Hmu on kik : swegbich thnx I'd love it alot

Supreme,bro, your so lost haha.
Social medium usernames have no value.