Is anyone on this forum Vegetarian?


Active Member
I am because of my own reasons, I wouldn't force it down someones throats though as I know I wouldn't like them forcing what I disagree with down mine.

If you are, when did you become one and why?

If you aren't, would you ever consider it?

have you tried it? also if you'd refuse to ever become one, for what reason?
@"Cann!bal" is a vegan, might have something to say.
I'm a vegan most times, but sometimes i eat fish/beef
Joker said:
I am because of my own reasons, I wouldn't force it down someones throats though as I know I wouldn't like them forcing what I disagree with down mine.

If you are, when did you become one and why?

If you aren't, would you ever consider it?

have you tried it? also if you'd refuse to ever become one, for what reason?
I went vegan for the ethics primarily, however, for the environment as well. Health was just a bonus.

If animals morally matter, then at the very least we owe it to them to not inflict suffering and death without a compelling reason. Pleasure cannot constituent a compelling reason to harm someone, so I had no choice but to go vegan if I wanted to be morally consistent. I loved animals then, but I just never made the connection.

As for the environment, I realized that we all have a moral responsibility to adopt a sustainable model of eating if we don't want the planet and future generations to be fucked and I learned that the only long-term sustainable option was veganism, so I had to.

I think you're forgetting there's victims in between. You wouldn't stand idly by and let someone harm their cat or dog because you wouldn't want to "force your beliefs on them," so why would stand idly by and let someone harm a cow, pig or chicken? We all have a moral responsibility to treat animals and the planet with respect. There is no respect in needlessly harming animals and destroying the environment for pleasure. People who do this should be called out for it so they can make the connection.

Why aren't you vegan?
Cann!bal said:
I went vegan for the ethics primarily, however, for the environment as well. Health was just a bonus.

If animals morally matter, then at the very least we owe it to them to not inflict suffering and death without a compelling reason. Pleasure cannot constituent a compelling reason to harm someone, so I had no choice but to go vegan if I wanted to be morally consistent. I loved animals then, but I just never made the connection.

As for the environment, I realized that we all have a moral responsibility to adopt a sustainable model of eating if we don't want the planet and future generations to be fucked and I learned that the only long-term sustainable option was veganism, so I had to.

I think you're forgetting there's victims in between. You wouldn't stand idly by and let someone harm their cat or dog because you wouldn't want to "force your beliefs on them," so why would stand idly by and let someone harm a cow, pig or chicken? We all have a moral responsibility to treat animals and the planet with respect. There is no respect in needlessly harming animals and destroying the environment for pleasure. People who do this should be called out for it so they can make the connection.

Why aren't you vegan?

I understand, the reason I don't force my beliefs is because I've found better progress ''suggesting'' it.. The majority of people I've suggested it too say they'd consider it but the people I've argued with about it online will tell me I'm a ''moron'' and they'll eat animals to get back at me or some shit, it's upsetting.

I do agree with that fact though. If someone was beating up my dog, I'll tell them it's wrong.. which is why if I see someone I know eating pork or praising bacon I'll tell them straight up I find them disgusting. I won't force anything down them, I won't tell them they NEED to transition but I'll tell them the benefits. It never usually gets me anywhere though.

I've wrote a song about it but I feel like it's a bad idea. The way I see it is they can't protect themselves so we're here to protect them, It's quite a sickening factor wondering how many animals are currently being digested in human bodies around the world at this precise moment.

I'm transitioning to vegan, I don't eat Cheese and I don't drink milk due to lactose problems but I do eat Quorn based foods to get a meal as in the current household, there isn't much cooking options. My girlfriend is also a vegetarian and we're hoping when we move out and get our own place we'll be able to complete the vegan transition. I slip up now and then, but at least I don't eat dead flesh. Right?
Joker said:
Ew lol. Does it not at all feel weird knowing it was once a living animal?

don't h8 me

Idk but imma tell you that shit was good as fuck
Ambien said:
Idk but imma tell you that shit was good as fuck

You do know it's not the bacon you're enjoying? It's the seasoning. God knows what chemicals are even in that seasoning alone.

Space Time said:

I remember reading this, I commented there when he posted it. I've been vegetarian for a while but considering Vegan. The only thing I struggle with is quorn products, I'm trying to form an all plant-based soya diet.
Joker said:
I understand, the reason I don't force my beliefs is because I've found better progress ''suggesting'' it.. The majority of people I've suggested it too say they'd consider it but the people I've argued with about it online will tell me I'm a ''moron'' and they'll eat animals to get back at me or some shit, it's upsetting.

I do agree with that fact though. If someone was beating up my dog, I'll tell them it's wrong.. which is why if I see someone I know eating pork or praising bacon I'll tell them straight up I find them disgusting. I won't force anything down them, I won't tell them they NEED to transition but I'll tell them the benefits. It never usually gets me anywhere though.

I've wrote a song about it but I feel like it's a bad idea. The way I see it is they can't protect themselves so we're here to protect them, It's quite a sickening factor wondering how many animals are currently being digested in human bodies around the world at this precise moment.

I'm transitioning to vegan, I don't eat Cheese and I don't drink milk due to lactose problems but I do eat Quorn based foods to get a meal as in the current household, there isn't much cooking options. My girlfriend is also a vegetarian and we're hoping when we move out and get our own place we'll be able to complete the vegan transition. I slip up now and then, but at least I don't eat dead flesh. Right?
Yeah, I got in everyone's in face about it whenever they ate it in front me the first couple of weeks but I realized that wasn't very productive. I mean I'm still aggressive about veganism but it's more strategically planned now.

Lol, yeah. There's a lot of mindless bacon trolls out there. People have sent me pictures of animals they personally hunted, mutilated and didn't eat. Some pretty demented shit, honestly.

Oh no, not baby steps. Baby steps are for babies - you're an adult, mate. I went vegan overnight once I made the connection. It's seriously nowhere near as hard as you think. People pose it as this giant task and it's totally not. Just buy only plant foods and buy cruelty-free products that don't test and shit. It's easy.

Here's some shit you should watch.
Cann!bal said:
Yeah, I got in everyone's in face about it whenever they ate it in front me the first couple of weeks but I realized that wasn't very productive. I mean I'm still aggressive about veganism but it's more strategically planned now.

Lol, yeah. There's a lot of mindless bacon trolls out there. People have sent me pictures of animals they personally hunted, mutilated and didn't eat. Some pretty demented shit, honestly.

Oh no, not baby steps. Baby steps are for babies - you're an adult, mate. I went vegan overnight once I made the connection. It's seriously nowhere near as hard as you think. People pose it as this giant task and it's totally not. Just buy only plant foods and buy cruelty-free products that don't test and shit. It's easy.

Here's some shit you should watch.
I pulled a plan with a friend of mine, I told him how Gelatin was made. I then proceeded to spark a conversation about animal flesh and the poor sad final stages they go through, I watched as he bought none other than the Salad dish rather than his usual Ham and Cheese filled baguette, the strategic plan came across a treat and made me feel a bit better about myself.

Hunting is disgusting, it's inhumane and barbarous. They like to say they ''hunt'' animals because ''animals hunt one another'' there is absolutely no logic in that. We don't need to hunt to survive, we do. The animals don't get to choose from a nice fancy salad to benefit there bodies. Mutilating and murdering an animal for fun is even worse, especially when most are going extinct. Did you see the post on Twitter a while back about the murdered Zebra?

That's very true. I'm currently already on that stage, I don't buy animal-tested products. I don't eat anything that involves animals. I don't drink milk, cheese or eat dairy. I feel like I could be considered vegan as even the quorn recipes me and my girlfriend eat are considered vegan. I just don't feel vegan.. I feel like it's something so superior that I don't deserve that label. How much healthier have you felt? I know with out animal products in my diet I've felt alot more active, energetic and happier.

I must also say, celebrity vegan's have helped me a shit ton. Especially Jared Leto, I'm an aspiring musician/actor and was worried my eating plan would affect me. I naturally look young for my age and hope to keep it that way, do you work-out at all? If so have you any form of routine based around a vegan diet with some food plans you could possibly share?