Call of Duty Is AW any good?


Power member.
After I eat in a few minutes... I was planning on heading out to gamestop to go pickup a copy... what do you guys think of it though? Is it another fail like ghosts? or it actually any good?

Your guys opinions might save me $60.00 lol
Yeah it's very good. It's really fast paced as well, something we haven't seen in a while.
I'm getting the game in an hour. My irl friend who picked it up at midnight said it's really fun and fast paced.
Its amazing. @beware sucks at AW tho :/ sorta upstting
@beware Shall I go buy it?

Hopefully will earn 200 this week online. Sooo all good.
Beware said:
I was dropping 2+ K/D's in every game while you went negative every game...
Only a 2 kd... Kid let me teach you how to be good.
Have you guys seen any major negatives for the game?

Also, does it require you to install any disks in order to play like GTA or ghosts did? If so how many GB's does it require? (I only have a 4 gb hard drive and a 16 gb usb with gta on it)

Which older game would you guys who have it compare it to?
Beware said:
Yes. It is about 4 GB.

Alright, I'll just delete gta 5 for now and install AW when I get it.
I am actually surprised how the game turned out.
Beware said:
I'm sure that they'll tweak that once time passes.

Took them almost a year maybe longer to tweak the spawns in ghost. lol
I Really like the game. The only things i hate about it is: The shit spawns and when you are in a gun fight and the enemy just double jumps away.
Dam, so far I've been hearing it's good. I'm so tempted in buying it but I'm already slacking in college T.T
If the game isn't like ghost then I will love it, I personally hated ghost to the max. Ghost is literally the only game I never reached max prestige cause it never interested me.

Since the spawns are shit, how is the spawns like? is it like Ghost?