Is Cyberbullying real?


This may or may not be towards 2 people on FK ;)

Is it real? It's just another person typing out words, I don't see how that hurts people.

When you deeply think about it, it's just a series of lines and shapes. I never knew lines and shapes could hurt people so badly.

People can either block a person or just not let it get to them. Opinions shouldn't make you want to take your life. I think cyberbullying is bullshit.​
The sadness and depression that derives from cyberbullying and bullying in general cannot be remedied with rational thought or logic. The opposite of depression is not happiness but vitality. It's a flaw in the way we think and perceive the world. The realization of its insignificance rarely affects us. Cyberbullying and its product exist very much so.
Can someone please explain what cannibal just said? lmao. Anyway their is a block button. Idk it's a hard question, because kids just can't back away from something on the internet. Ex. Forumkorner. If I see another person make a farewell thread and not leave ima kms lol.
RE: Is Cyberbullying real

Hollywood said:
Can someone please explain what cannibal just said? lmao. Anyway their is a block button. Idk it's a hard question, because kids just can't back away from something on the internet. Ex. Forumkorner. If I see another person make a farewell thread and not leave ima kms lol.

The effects of cyberbullying are very real. We can see it in kids all over. The emotional distress they face is just as real as those who face it in person, even if there is no physical damage. Kids who decide to cyberbully are ruthless and most of the time will make other accounts to harass that person. Also, the attackers don't have to say things to the victims face, making it easier for them to carry out their attacks. If kids make other account just to be back on FK, there's no reason why people wouldn't do it just to harass someone.We can see examples of kids who have committed suicide because of bullying and because of cyberbullying. So to say cyberbullying isn't real is dishonest; let alone to say it isn't a problem.
I think it becomes a real problem once it crosses the line. Something that doesn't cross the line is if someone calls you a loser once or twice. It does become a problem if you post a video/picture to ruin someone. One big example of this is Amanda Todd. One day when she was 13 she loved to go on video camera and talk to people. One day someone ask to flash her so she did, and the guy took a screenshot. Then from that he made a facebook account with this picture, which then the police came to her house and people at school made fun of her. So, she moved schools, and more people found out and it continue to get worse and worse so she committed suicide.

Other examples is the sharkiesha video (for the victim), shovel girl, and I can count to potato girl.
It's definitely a reality for the people who experience it for themselves. The emotional, mental, and psychological effects that cyberbullying can provoke in some people are extremely real. It's a growing problem in our society, and much more of an actuality than you seem to think.
Cyberbullying is as real as you let it be. It doesn't exist for me because I don't let it affect me.
Not everyone experiences the internet the same way. I don't let it get to me because I understand that its all in fun. Others, however, may take things seriously, as its what means the most to them. With this logic, nothing in life would be reasonable to get hurt over, or happy, or any other emotion for that matter, cause I'm the end speech is just an arrangement of sounds and tones, right? Wrong.
@diamonds hit it spot on. Don't be a lightskin and catch feelings just get off the damn computer
Diamonds said:
Nah it's just annoying ass kids who catch feelings over the internet and want attention.


Did you just completely ignore the posts above?
Diamonds said:
yeah I figured they were stupid and had to do with 9 year olds feelings being hurt over facebook or some shit. If you catch feelings over something somebody says to you over the internet then just get off the computer I guess lol

If you get off the computer, it doesn't just get rid of the sadness and depression that will come of all the hateful comments and things that you receive. That's not how it works.
Leader said:
Is that also how you fix:

-increased feelings of sadness and loneliness
-changes in sleep and eating patterns
-loss of interest in activities
-more health complaints

-miss, skip or drop out of school
-poor grades
-lower self-esteem
-use of alcohol and drugs

No, but it can help decrease a factor that may be causing those problems. I know cyber bullying is a serious thing and many teens have taken their lives over it and also why some people see it more seriously than others.

The post I made was just a picture that I found funny and what I think of about cyber bullying. Obviously other people may take it more seriously or experienced it. The picture wasn't to offend anyone.
Diamonds said:
Nah I just fuck around too much on here lol, seriously though I think that people take cyber bullying too far and should just not make such a big deal about what people say about them online. Like you just called me a plague to society and I'm not crying, someone else could have caught the feelings and gotten really depressed about that.

Cyber bullying isn't just one insult, it's thousands upon thousands of hateful comments being sent by tons of people to the same person. That's when it can ruin lives.
Diamonds said:
Kids who are being cyber bullied should just block the bully or just not even acknowledge the insult at all. When the victim lets the bully know that their insults affect them and make them upset they realize that the kid is an easy target and keep bullying them just to fuck with them.

Not acknowledging them may help, but it doesn't take the pain away.
Diamonds said:
I'm saying to ignore the insults after the first time it happens, to avoid it being taken too far and having to feel the pain of being harassed.

That's a lot easier said than done. Any victim of cyber bullying or bullying in general would say the same.
Diamonds said:
Which is why I think victims of cyber bullying are attention whores. If somebody starts harassing you online you should just block them, instead these kids just try to make people feel bad for them and keep letting the cyber bullies harass them.

Really? A kid facing emotional distress, depression, anxiety, loss of interest, lower self esteem and a whole lot more medically diagnosable issues is an attention whore.

You can't force yourself into these things, bud. No one says, "I'm going to get cyber bullied and diagnosed with depression today. That way, people will notice me!" I don't know how you get these ideas, but it's not working out. No one who has ever gone through depression or severe bullying wants to experience it again. You seriously need to think before you make these posts.
Diamonds said:
I have this great idea, it's called "blocking them", if they don't want to experience being cyber bullied that feature really comes in handy.

Alright, just ignore all of my previous posts and repeat what you have been saying. Good idea.

You opinions are misinformed, ignorant, idiotic, disingenuous and hateful. Do some research, learn about compassion and empathy, and then we can continue this discussion.
Most people who get cyberbulled are bullied peasant day. Also if they have low self esteem it don't help when you have a anonymous person on the internet calling them harmful names.
Tbh no there isn't such thing everyone now on days get butthurt over anything and are attention whores.
Yeah cyber bully is real, you got people suiciding because they called names and that gay guy who suicided because his friend has a video of him.