This post is not meant to offend any body, if you can not handle my point of view then do not read my threads:
I personally believe that there is a higher being, not saying it is god, not saying it is not god. If you look at animals per example you shall see my reasoning. When man first domesticated the wild dog, and made it either a pet, work animal, hunting animal etc, the animal knew nothing of what the person wanted it to do nor did it have any idea on the tricks that the person would teach it. We took these animals in, taught them to do tricks (sit, stay, lay down, track, pull sleds etc) and they do it with out hesitation now pretty much on demand. Same thing with teaching birds to talk, obey orders etc. Now if you step back and look at the big picture, maybe there is something up there that has taught us how to live our lives, how to do the things we do, how to build the stuff we know how to build. I mean think about it, how in the world did the creation of steel just come to Henry Bessemer? I mean it would be one thing if it was simple like creating fire through friction, but there are so many catalyst and precursors etc in the creation of steel. How did James Watts come up with the steam engine or Christian Huygens create the internal combustion motor in the 1600s? I look at it like this, we are a higher beings pets. This higher being trains us, teaches us methods to do stuff with out us even knowing that they are doing so. I figured that we are like a giant ant farm to this higher being. If you have a EDUCATED rebuttal feel free to continue the conversation here, pm, aim, or skype with me.