is it necessary to say yes every time?


many boy friend and girl friends do not want to hear 'no'. they always want to hear 'yes' in every proposal. But sometime saying no keeps many problems away. what do you think?
It's not compulsory to say yes, but say whatever you feel. They can't do anything if you say either.
I think that its not necessary to say Yes everytime. You can say no if you want.
It's not compulsory to say yes, but say whatever you feel. They can't do anything if you say either.
Yes and no? I think that words were invented because of the fact,that each and everyone has their own opinion or beliefs! So i dont think it is necessary to always say yes!you have your own mind and you have the right to express how you feel,whether you agree or not,it is still your choice to say yes or no.
Gyandip said:
many boy friend and girl friends do not want to hear 'no'. they always want to hear 'yes' in every proposal. But sometime saying no keeps many problems away. what do you think?

but being honest is the most important thing to do in a relationship. if you cannot really do anything about a situation to make it 'yes" then just say no and be true to your partner. rather than saying yes but it would cause even more problems.:)

but being honest is the most important thing to do in a relationship. if you cannot really do anything about a situation to make it 'yes" then just say no and be true to your partner. rather than saying yes but it would cause even more problems.:)
Gyandip said:
many boy friend and girl friends do not want to hear 'no'. they always want to hear 'yes' in every proposal. But sometime saying no keeps many problems away. what do you think?

oh you must not say yes every time! it's very annoying for you friends, and it's not very handy...
For me, it's learning to say no when it needs to be. Saying yes all the time and pretending you agree to what your boyfriend or girlfriend say or do is like stripping you of your identity. You're like being a dog when he or she tells you to sit, you will sit down without any questions. Disagreeing sometimes can be healthy in a relationship because it's when you know that your partner actually thinks.
Oh Damn It! People should tell them the painful truth before they are starting to regret! Please People! It isn't hard to decide what you're gonna say, sometimes there are difficult to say but being honest could save your arse you know :l
I concur that many times we need to honor ourselves and have a point blank yes or no.
I said no to a wonderful opportunity this week. I want to revisit it in the future but in this moment it cannot be my top priority, therefore it was a no. I have found it easier & easier to do over the past couple of years. It is very empowering!
I have had ‘Yes’ men coming to me and complaining about the people to whom they’ve said, Yes’ when they didn’t really want to. Their insincere ‘Yes’ has just gotten them walked all over. Nobody respects a ‘Yes’ man.
Yes or No ? Right or Wrong ?
I think you get it. Yes for right and no for wrong ! As simple as that !
That is actually a good thing that to say no , saying yes or no is your right .dont loss your right just for a certain person who you dont want to hurt them .but you have to say no to avoid a major problem happening involving yourself .So think twice friend.
I can yes and or no depending on the questions, situations and who is involved. I do try to be fair and look at both sides before i do respond.
My answer is no. You can't say yes all the time. If this is about a proposal, just say no if your not ready. Maybe he'll understand. If you have any doubts about it, then just explain it to him and I'm sure he'll understand.
it is not compulsory to say yes all the depends upon the person.if he/she loves him/her then only they should say yes.
say "yes" is so important in your life. It doesn't mean every time u tell "yes". It depends on situation. By dint of willingness u can't tell "yes"
Don't be a person who says yes all the time.People will most probably take advantage you do and throw the tasks meant for them to you.