It's been a good run

I don't really know you all too well but safe travels former moderator you did a great job. You will be missed, best wishes to you and your soon to be fiancé. I hope it all goes as planned and you can live a happy life, I'm glad you're deciding to stick around but also glad you're focusing on the life outside the inter webs.


P.S. This is not goodbye, it's see you later.
Deuces dude, sorry you have to bail.

Just wondering - how are you not certain you are getting married next week? Weddings usually take months to plan
Malik said:
Deuces dude, sorry you have to bail.

Just wondering - how are you not certain you are getting married next week? Weddings usually take months to plan
Well in all honesty, being in the Navy, it's hard to arrange it. We're likely just going to get married on paper and have the wedding at a later time.
Good luck with everything, man.
I'm going to miss our talks and how we could be open with eachother.
I'll miss you buddy.
It was awesome having you on the forum. Thank you for your service and good luck on your marriage man!
RIP gagonme. And then there was one....
Ill miss you dude.. you were the only person who spoke to me when I first joined and didn't treat me like a new guy. Always helpful and chill, I liked seeing you post here.

Good luck with everything man, thank you.
I thought this thread would but some moron I don't care about. Even though I didn't get a tag I'll miss you my man.
Sucks to see you get demoted you were an amazing moderator on fk, i'm glad that your future wife recognizes how much of a nice person you're and a impact on society.
Also, goodluck on the navy and drop by that fk kik chat like you usually do it'd be nice see you just drop by and say "hi" and see how things are going.
Thanks Agony!
You were probably the best mod on FK. I'm pretty sure you were also the first person I dealt with on here which made me trust FK. Hope you marriage goes well. See you around.
Was wondering why I didn't get any notifications. People still struggle to tag me.
Your still one of the most legit guy I know on the forums. Good luck to the future

@voices I'll join you in that phone call with the derogatory term crew