Durantula said:Yep, by the looks of it I'd say no one is going to deal with you.
Better fix your shit my guy.
yeah i know. go ahead and close my thread i guess... it was worth a try. IDK why everyone is calling me a scammer for no reason.
Durantula said:Yep, by the looks of it I'd say no one is going to deal with you.
Better fix your shit my guy.
LMAO everyone should know when you buy an account, you dont change the name right away, PEOPLE TURBO. Wait next time. Yep to many people say you scam, also u can give away the accounts or keep them.TrueBlood1337 said:impossible because you scammed me for Harmonic you turboed it give it back
Fierce said:LMAO everyone should know when you buy an account, you dont change the name right away, PEOPLE TURBO. Wait next time. Yep to many people say you scam, also u can give away the accounts or keep them.
LoLz Dammm you fell right for tha trap, sucks but if it seems to good to be true then it is.TrueBlood1337 said:but he told me to switch the tag to a silver and he turboed it thats how he pulled it off we were gonna trade for Forgotten i spent 6 hours with the deal and in the end i waste $20 and Harmonic
Phobia said:This nigga always wanted to get my mw3 hosting patch. nigga!
Technique said:For the people that scroll that scroll through a thread with up to 6 pages and dont read them please neck yourself. This kid has scammed 5 legit users and is just on a scam spree and yall are just giving him more money. So if you dont want to get scammed stop buying from this user with -10% rep and a 20% wanring level randoms!!