Kik giveaway

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Onyx user!
Giving away the kik 4B8. Pick a number below and I'll pick the winner at random.

1. @Tray
2. @Double
3. @Crude
4. @Luxury
5. @Dolphins
6. @"Kanye West"
7. @1998
8. @Adrian
9. @Hallucinogenic
10. @____
I will take the spot number 6 Thanks for the giveaway.
I'll take spot #1 thanks for the giveaway.
Give me a random number, I want to win this and give it away.

I will be wearing gloves though, I don't want anyone to know I ever owned this.
#2 i hope i win :)

i just got scammed my Kik

praying to God.
#3 I really hope I win I want a number kik soo badly lol <3
And the winner is..... @Double !! I'll pm you the details in like 5 mins but yeah congrats man. Closing this now.
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