so today i get a pm and someone from here says, they got scammed by someone posing as ME as i was supose to be the middleman in there trade wich i knew nothing about obv.
i was told suposidly the kik trigincorporated on kik did the middleman for a deal today,and it obv isnt me. but claimed to be me anyways. watch out for this, if this is true then imposter is on the loose. so pm me first before dealing with anyone saying there me. on here of my Personal kik: Motherfuckers

i was told suposidly the kik trigincorporated on kik did the middleman for a deal today,and it obv isnt me. but claimed to be me anyways. watch out for this, if this is true then imposter is on the loose. so pm me first before dealing with anyone saying there me. on here of my Personal kik: Motherfuckers