it was a dark and @chill-y night
@chill was walking home while trying to stay out of the cold and @chill-y weather. @chill, being @chill, knew he had to get to a warm spot so he walked into a coffee shop. @chill preferred @chill-ed drinks, but they only offered coffee at the coffee shop so @chill shot up the whole coffee shop. Walking out, he realized that he really fucked up and walked back in to apologize. Then he got shrekt by the police, which took @chill to the nearest jail. @chill used his @chill powers to get the fuck out, and when he got out he netflixed and @chill'd a couple @chill-i eating @chill girls which he used his 18 inch @chill'y shlong to dominate. Then, he went back in time to the @chill'y winterland of Germany to use his @chill-shlong to dominate the ever so @chill-y Hitler. The @chill End