Lets get REAL!


If anyone wants to argue feel free.But lets really think about whats going on here.People lie and scam on here for names or words on a virtual game.No name for a game is worth 100- 500 dollars no matter how rare.People will argue supply and demand and the market.but truth is they are just words.if i only wrote one word on only one piece of paper would you pay me 500 dollars for it.im just saying
yeah they are just virtual names but they make me money sooo I like that they are worth something
If this is your mindset on names, why are you on the forums? It goes for high prices because of their RARITY. What, you wanna get lucky and type in a fucking word and claim it on xbox? Good luck. Leave the forums, you can't even use the spacebar.
@fedora Im not saying people shouldnt sell them but the prices are unreasonable...and people actually buy them for that.Something is not right with people.
People buy & sell usernames because of there originality and to make money, that's basically it.

OT: Is anyone else bothered by him not using spaces after his periods? lol.
You are just salty that you can't afford them and couldn't claim anything good off the reset. Besides that you sound like irls that don't understand at all. just go back to playing with all the sweaty failed attempts on CoD skid.
@red See and people get mad on here when i say that.if your buying a name on a game for 500 dollars you have an extra chromosome or you obviously dont work or know the value of your money.you could buy so many more valuable things with that money.smh

@producer I have really nice tags and didnt pay 500 dollars for them.and why do i have to be salty im not.i just had a realization.you sir need to wake up
Boning said:
@fedora Im not saying people shouldnt sell them but the prices are unreasonable...and people actually buy them for that.Something is not right with people.

oh yeah the prices are pretty dumb on things.but i mean it whatevs people can spend their money on what they want you cant really change that
@fedora Ik just like people get foodstamps because they cant afford for food for their children because they just want to buy chains and shoes.im not racist just stating observations.glws fedora at least you get it.
Fuck off the forums, faggot. You know you're broke when you "realize" that. Like, you're a 2016 skid. You know nothing at all. Who introduced you to the OG community?????
Boning said:
@red See and people get mad on here when i say that.if your buying a name on a game for 500 dollars you have an extra chromosome or you obviously dont work or know the value of your money.you could buy so many more valuable things with that money.smh

@producer I have really nice tags and didnt pay 500 dollars for them.and why do i have to be salty im not.i just had a realization.you sir need to wake up

LMAO no, you're just are a brokeboy that can't afford it and you say you have good tags when your main was Moons lolol and you tried offering me Anchorage that's not good at all come to me when you have something worth $300+ that you bought, not get off a reset. Also you are salty, you had to make a thread about it. Also, learn how to use a keyboard retard.
Duh. We all know retards are retards. I agree, very stupid, but you're wrong if you say there's no worth, considering the money spent on things all the time. Any time uou have kids you can take advantage of money wise, people will.
Boning said:
@fedora Ik just like people get foodstamps because they cant afford for food for their children because they just want to buy chains and shoes.im not racist just stating observations.glws fedora at least you get it.

yeah I stopped really buying ogs and shit after I got my final from the reset lol and even before that i would really just sell my shit so i could to buy things i wanted irl instead of a ig or something like that.
I aint got nothing agaisnt them buying stuff but after a while it just gets boring spending money on some virtual name rather than some clothes
Haahah "one word on a piece of paper". As much as I like to argue, I ain't. You're literally to dumb to even try to explain to on this subject if you think words on paper is the same as a virtual name on Xbox.
@red Lol your getting upset i bet your moms ashamed of you because you used her credit card for a game name.lol just know im more than likely older than you and been around longer.and i think i know im right

@red freedom of speech and freedom of print and press

@false Lol its just a word like i can write words on this post and there is only one
Whatever makes you happy man, godspeed and good luck on life cause it seems you're having trouble affording things. Have a nice day.
I make my own money, but you're fucking 25 years old and you're on here lmao. Really? Really? you've been around more than me when you fucking signed up here in 2016 LMAO who are you? Heard you mained the tag "Moons" fucking Kys.
Producer said:
LMAO no, you're just are a brokeboy that can't afford it and you say you have good tags when your main was Moons lolol and you tried offering me Anchorage that's not good at all come to me when you have something worth $300+ that you bought, not get off a reset. Also you are salty, you had to make a thread about it. Also, learn how to use a keyboard retard.
Its all a matter of opinion i really liked moons to me it was worth more than you think its worth which is what im saying there are only one of any tag which means all tags are created equal lol your the one putting the worth on it.but in reality they are just pixels and words.and someone from anchorage would prolly love that tag its the capitol of alaska.they would offer more than you you see.

@producer you should go buy your mother a gift now to make up.maybe your kids need some clothes instead of running around the street with no clothes.
You are completely wrong. What is the rarity of names? On social media sites only ONE person can claim them, if they are like instagram, kik, etc. You're saying writing a word down, something anyone could do, is worth money. Unless you are selling a book, you are completely wrong.

Edit: I was told I was allowed to argue, so don't get upset.
@red I am just a guy.your gamertag doesnt make you more important online or in real life lmao