LF 2 character/ spaced 2 char GT


Looking for a spaced two char gamertag or non spaced. Willing to pay generously but won't pay out the ass for one either. Payment method will be btc hmu.
I would recommend when / if you buy something to use @Chill as a mm.
GL finding something fam.
Will most definitely use a middle man. Thanks for the recommendation @sexy
Depends on the letters/ numbers but maybe $800 maybe more @junior
Budget could be higher if the characters aren't random and actually have some meaning. More after a nice spaced 2 char tho @junior
If you contacted my Like few weeks ago I would have sold you my spaced 2 letter, has a lot of acronyms.

Sold it for $550
Damn @host would the new owner sell it? I was looking at some old threads I think @agony might have one also
I have one, has some good DLC and 11k Gamerscore and just put a new 12month on it 2days ago. (Space 2lettter)
How much are you looking for and are they random letters or? Lmk via pm