Little Shop.

bought from this man before.
somebody cop these.
Want to explain how you got the three char ig? @alyati got turbo'ed for it.
HaloReach said:
Want to explain how you got the three char ig? @alyati got turbo'ed for it.
I'll tell you, i didn't turbo it. That's all i'm saying.....
Vouch for @"Wutang". Just bought a IG from him.
@piece didn't you say you were looking for a 3 character Instagram?
bump. added a pair!
bin is flexible on most things
taking btc only!
bump, need some cash for something i need to cop!
bump, just copped some stuff in a trade!
We've had our differences but you have some nice shit here, GLWS.
Spoilt said:
We've had our differences but you have some nice shit here, GLWS.
thank you, to you as well. Have a good day.
Vouch for @smalls you git smoke nice stuff bro

Wouldn't hesitate to deal @smalls
damn It feels good to be a gangster.
bump, got some new shit from friends!
shoot me a pm will be down to take one of these off your hands
What's the last instagram username? I'd probably take it off your hands bud.