lol look what just happened XD

this has happened to me quite a few times since dungeoneering came out except, I saw a quick flash of every skill being lvl 120 when i clicked on my stats tab. but then it just brings up my normal stats.. i don't get how you had the time for a screenie o_O
lol i heard of this glitch before
I have heard of this glitch before as well, never seen a picture though. Nice job ;D.
I would rather call this an easter egg, just because of the total level, I've also seen a pics of this at youtube.
Like something "special" hidden in game. Like if you type "I am your father" on notes the note would come as: "Noooooooooo!" I think that thats an easter egg because the total level is 1337 and the levels don't match with that number :p there are plenty of more easter eggs, they can be found on youtube.
ronzku said:
Like something "special" hidden in game. Like if you type "I am your father" on notes the note would come as: "Noooooooooo!" I think that thats an easter egg because the total level is 1337 and the levels don't match with that number :p there are plenty of more easter eggs, they can be found on youtube.
Oh, kk wasn't sure.