Looking for 3 characters..

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Well-Known Member
Looking for all good 3 character gamertags, please PM me what you have.

Paying roughly $30 per 3 character.
I have one, but i paid $35 when i bought it.
didn't you buy one off Mikey?

anyways, hit up Amp or if you have an HF there is one being sold, but for $60. idk what it is. Good Luck Bro!
BasedGod said:
didn't you buy one off Mikey?

anyways, hit up Amp or if you have an HF there is one being sold, but for $60. idk what it is. Good Luck Bro!

The one on H F is a 3 letter and it's shit.
I'll give you mine for $30.00, PM me.
You going to buy up all available 3chars and take a monopoly so you can resell them at $40-$50 a pop? lol

Anyway I PM'd you a tag, let me know if you're interested.
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