Looking for a oG Youtube Channel

I have the YouTube iquit for sale has 3500 subzz if u have a better gt than incline MSG me and we can negotiate an offer
Whited00d said:
I have the YouTube iquit for sale has 3500 subzz if u have a better gt than incline MSG me and we can negotiate an offer

Thats not oG and btw its fake u have 3k subs and 0views LOL :)
I have one but I want money.
Tupac has a MW3 gun one, not sure if he'd trade though.
ill trade /okkp 6k subs and 1m views hm up on aim: nahjrr
I'm pretty sure the guy selling BY, I think his name is Got Milk?, is selling the YT Toxic
^^ I'm his friend I'm playing MW3 right now on it lol

Conor said:
I'm pretty sure the guy selling BY, I think his name is Got Milk?, is selling the YT Toxic
Toxic would never sell his youtube I talk to him and also he would never sell his tag