Looking for GTA V $$$ Lobby

HMU on AIM: Apollo

& there are always a chance when modding of any kind.

There is always a chance when modding of any kind like the person above me said, but it's not as bad as like COD Ghosts
Sexy said:
There is always a chance when modding of any kind like the person above me said, but it's not as bad as like COD Ghosts

Hey Sexy would you be able to loan me money through the mod my Gamertag is NOAlexander please help it will mean so much
NOAlexander said:
Hey Sexy would you be able to loan me money through the mod my Gamertag is NOAlexander please help it will mean so much
Busy doing a recovery, but if you give me 30 minutes, I can do it for you
You don't get banned unless you did recovery or your hosting the lobby.
You can't do nothing if you get the money by the modder.
What is recovering exactly?
?????????????? Sorry I had to make the message longer
Jarrett said:
If you still need this Cheefin, PM me.

Could you help me too?????????????????????????????????? Sorry about the question marks I had to make it longer
I might know someone who can help you, I'll message you when he gets on.
Didn't I sell you a tag with a ton of money \ high level? Wtf haha