Looking for Insane OG


Paying WU only.

Willing to go first with trusted or use MM, will pay fees for WU to go to location.

Budget: 400

Looking for something fresh, clean, and secure.

I am new but will gain post to pm soon, just pm me with offers.
@'devil has some pretty sick shit. I'd hit him up.

His username is 'Devil, mobile fk is fucking retarded.
This is completely off topic but @Homie has the matching twitter to your username...
Anything sick really, I have a deal pending.

Just PM with offers and a way to contact you.
Zackary said:
This is completely off topic but @Homie has the matching twitter to your username...

I have pzychedelics Ahaha. Idk why I made it. 
I have some sick shit as well, literally, I have some sick shit.. on my finger.
Mortal said:
He jacks actives and claims the fucking OG can't recover it. LOL. l33thaxer
Your retarded. Do you see anyone on this site I have sold to way more than you have, ever complain of recovery?

cas said:
@mortal I had no idea, but theres some other kid here with sick shit. Pretty sure it's @Kira
Yes, thanks correct sir thanks :p
Kira said:
Your retarded. Do you see anyone on this site I have sold to way more than you have, ever complain of recovery?

Yes, thanks correct sir thanks :p

Dude, I never see you sell shit. You either close the fucking thread and post back later or never fucking sell. OT I sold a PSN to this guy, gfy. goof ass kid.
Mortal said:
Dude, I never see you sell shit. You either close the fucking thread and post back later or never fucking sell. OT I sold a PSN to this guy, gfy. goof ass kid.
His most likely the most known PSN seller in this market. His sold over 20 accounts, none have ever been taken back, nor has anyone ever complained. 

He even had vouches from Owner/Staff of the site, your ignorant kid with no knowledge. 
Soldier said:
His most likely the most known PSN seller in this market. His sold over 20 accounts, none have ever been taken back, nor has anyone ever complained. 

He even had vouches from Owner/Staff of the site, your ignorant kid with no knowledge. 
lol, lemme see these "vouches", now quit dickriding your faggot friend.
Mortal said:
lol, lemme see these "vouches", now quit dickriding your faggot friend.

I'm not dick riding anyone, a lot of accounts Chris obtains I helped him get. Our method is 100% private, and no way of owner taking back. EVER!
Soldier said:
I'm not dick riding anyone, a lot of accounts Chris obtains I helped him get. Our method is 100% private, and no way of owner taking back. EVER!
Okay, well that rep you gave me says quote on quote "[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Soldier[/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] [/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]( 890 ) - Last updated 16 minutes ago
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Negative[/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] (-10): I fucking love you bae" But okay, whatever you say. Just saying you may want to mention that the OG was active. Even if he *can't get it back*[/font]
Mortal said:
Okay, well that rep you gave me says quote on quote "[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Soldier[/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] [/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]( 890 ) - Last updated 16 minutes ago
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Negative[/font][font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] (-10): I fucking love you bae" But okay, whatever you say. Just saying you may want to mention that the OG was active. Even if he *can't get it back*[/font]

Sorry, you just got me feeling some type of way.

Also I'll be sure to make him include it next time. 
Mortal said:
He jacks actives and claims the fucking OG can't recover it. LOL. l33thaxer
You obviously dont know what you are talking about, i bought an account years ago from him and i still have access to it. he is 100% legit
Narc said:
You obviously dont know what you are talking about, i bought an account years ago from him and i still have access to it. he is 100% legit

Just because you bought an account that may have been inactive doesn't mean the rest are and won't get taken back. Now can you stop bringing this up, we've reached a settlement.