Looking for OG Gamertag to buy.


I've been searching around for awhile for some good og xbox gamertags but most of the threads date back so it's tough to see what is still available and what's not. So instead of searching for sellers and tags I'm posting this thread so that people with good og tags willing to sell them can let me know what they got.

Thank You.

.willing to pay good money if the tags right as well.

I also can trade a semi og tag on top if anyone is interested in it
Relapsed < the I is an L
if you check the xbox forum there are some nice tags there and new ones all the time
Looking for something a little different than immerse although that is a sick tag and you shouldn't have a hard time selling it. And sorry bout where I posted this. I'm new and still figuring out the sites basic layout. And thanks for the help yo!

Mongrel is good too but still looking for something super OG. Willing to pay around 100 if it's good enough!
Access my profile and check my "Cheap Gamertags" thread for a bunch of semi originals that will go cheap.
ill sell you the gt Envelope. its my main account with lots of good halo 3 stats and 800 msp on it hmu if your interested
Selling my OG.


Message me if interested