Looking To Buy OG Soundcloud


Title says it all. 
I'm a bit of a producer, and I'm looking for pretty much any URL as long as it's OG and not something super stupid.
I have soundcloud.com/scowl .LMK if you're interested dude!

Edit: Just remenbered I had a couple Pokemon soundclouds too.

LMK my mans!
Wow dude, you're spoilt for choice with deez choicez :O tbf Energy isn't bad.
I have soundcloud.com/sox
Nice and short URL, lmk man.
nice man cant wait to see what you choose for this
I have "Vibing," "Tunes," and "turnt" (the commas not in the name obviously.)

I have animal and Shane
Hmu bud.
HaloReach said:
I have animal and Shane
Hmu bud.

Hey my man! How's it hanging? I just contacted one of the other people on this thread and if that doesn't go through, I may hit you up for animal if you still have it.
Please don't pay a lot for any of these, they're cool but not worth much.
Night said:
Hey my man! How's it hanging? I just contacted one of the other people on this thread and if that doesn't go through, I may hit you up for animal if you still have it.

You know where to reach me at my man. Hit me up if you wanna just talk.