Looking to get my 50 for Halo 3! (Will Pay)

Gaaras gay

User is banned.
Hey FK if someone has a Jtag and can help me get my 50 in anything let me no hit me up on aim or here! (Will Pay)

Aim- [email protected]
RE: Looking to get my MLG 50 for Halo 3! (Will Pay)

Still looking for someone to do this for me will pay guys!
RE: Looking to get my MLG 50 for Halo 3! (Will Pay)

Still need this done let me no if you no someone that will or that plz help me out!
I can get.u a.50.no payment.just want u to boost me.xp is all
I can get you a 50 on my booster and will also be running on aimbot

add @ ballin boosts