Loot's Shitty Shop! *UPDATED*

Sparda said:
The post boost is real with this one damn.

Lmfao. Well, if someone would buy this shitty shit then... Lol. Not looking for much.
Vouch for this user, he is legit. I have dealt with him in the past.
Vouch for this guy @Loot is extremely legit and extremely chill. Don't hesitate to deal with him.
Ryland613 said:
He sold me idiots. Dwc. Not sure what he's up too.

You don't need to post "Dwc" or "not sure what he's up to" like I haven't tried to sell this shit to anyone else. I haven't updated the post cuz I don't fuck with FK much. I get on here like once every 3 days to see if I have alerts. Damn nigga, acting like I'm tryna scam people or some shit. Shit is annoying.

And nobody has even tried to buy this stuff? @tax made a comment that I tagged him in the thread, does that mean I'm trying to sell to him? No, it does not. And now you're making me look like a fucking scammer when you say that people should deal with caution and you're not sure what I'm up to. Not one single person has tried to buy that Kik since I sold it to you, and your post on like 3 of my threads about how people should deal with caution is pissing me off.