Low level pking clan [Magic: 44 | HP: 29]

RE: Low level pking clan [Kill count for this trip so far: 28]

We're training up to 41 mage now.
RE: Low level pking clan [Magic: 41 | HP: 27]

We are going back out in 5-10 mins.
RE: Low level pking clan [Magic: 41 | HP: 27]

Damn I wish I could come but I'm having a ton of Internet troubles lately. Oh well, a different time I guess?
RE: Low level pking clan [Magic: 41 | HP: 27]

We ended the last one with like 29 kills.
RE: Low level pking clan [Magic: 41 | HP: 27]

Dykerosoft said:
We ended the last one with like 29 kills.

Hmmm, so I've heard. Nice one, wish I could have come along. I lagged out before you guys even started then reconnected way later, so I didn't want to join in the middle. Oh well. Should I just train to like 45 magic or something? At the end of this event, you guys should have around 45 or something like that. I'll wait and see, I'll train to 43 for right now.
RE: Low level pking clan [Magic: 41 | HP: 27]

Lol Anyone else want to come we are going now
RE: Low level pking clan [Magic: 41 | HP: 27]

Awesome, so what magic/hp level do we have to be at now?

Also I am running out of supplies and I need more to train to the selected level.
RE: Low level pking clan [Magic: 41 | HP: 27]

Dammit! I gotta get training to 41!
RE: Low level pking clan [Magic: 41 | HP: 27]

wow, im sick of living on the other side of the world to these guys, i barely get to PK with them. now i got to go train -.-
RE: Low level pking clan [Magic: 41 | HP: 27]

This is probably the most fun I've had in a while. Great bonding time with members :nice:>
RE: Low level pking clan [Magic: 41 | HP: 27]

Yeh it's great, everyone is so friendly in skype and meeting them in voices is a great feeling lol, better connection.
RE: Low level pking clan [Magic: 41 | HP: 27]

Ireppgold said:
Yeh it's great, everyone is so friendly in skype and meeting them in voices is a great feeling lol, better connection.

Yeah it is, you have a better feeling then knowing whether or not were 40 year olds.
RE: Low level pking clan [Magic: 41 | HP: 27]

I have a mic, and LOVE to talk to you guys, but I'm abit shy :/
RE: Low level pking clan [Magic: 41 | HP: 27]

Ireppgold said:
I have a mic, and LOVE to talk to you guys, but I'm abit shy :/

Same, I'm only 15 =P