It's funny, being autistic doesn't make you stupid.
It makes you smarter.
Do you know what the use is of a forum?
It's making threads and replying.
You weren't able to answer my questions, so you junked it.
Any decent investor would ask you those questions.
What the deal is with the staff not removing my posts, is because they aren't online.
Next to that, it's gonna be hard for them to remove them if you junk your thread.
Regardless if you state to PM questions, I wouldn't. If you answered me, you answered maybe 5 other investors, without having to send out 50 more PMs.
But hey, guess what, I'm the dumbest kid because I didn't put in $100 or whatever towards this forum.
I'm sorry, but this is how investing works, basic economics.
If you don't do your homework, you will be fucked over.
You couldn't provide the assignments towards the homework, where I searched the subject about our homework.