Mac Miller vs. Chris webby


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Me and my friend Gangster always talking about it and sometimes we get heated looking for some opinions
Mac miller is a pussy midget lol. Frozen pizza and koolaid . Really? Who comes up with a song like that? Webby is alot better
I like Mac Miller's new tracks. I mean really, all these new niggas fake. Oldskool Eminem and Wayne are the best.
Dam thats hard to hear i like Mac miller lol
I honestly don't care, they are both amazing artists with different styles...
Personally I would go with mac miller, but webby is pretty good too.
i love mac hes from my area <3 i gota give webby credit though.
Mac Miller's Macadelic mixtape went hard. So Mac all the way.
they are both embarassments but I guess miller(god saying that feels dirty).
Chris Webby all the fucking way.

The old Mac Miller was good too but Chris Webby will never loose his talent.
Bowser said:
Chris Webby all the fucking way.

The old Mac Miller was good too but Chris Webby will never loose his talent.

Thank you! Webby's punchlines and flow are just too crazy.
Webby has a better voice and a more real personality that is seen in his songs, Mac Miller just acts like a fuck and thinks he is a koolkid, My ITunes got more web than my attic does :}
MAc Miller.. The only thing is that he stealls Beaats/
Webby is def the better of the two, I hate Mac Miller and his music
Mac Miller just has a smooth flow and is chill to listen too.