"Madness's" Vouches

Vouch for @Madness. I trust this awesome ass user!
Vouch for Madness.
Had some deals before FK.
He's legit, no reason why not to trust him.
Very legit. I can have alot of trust in him. Went first and helped me out with securing the account. Deal without caution
Vouch for this user, done some successful deals with him in the past.
vouching once again for this user, just did a currency exchange for me. Legit user
Vouch for Madness - just completed a PP to BTC exchange with him. Everything went smoothly.
Vouch for Madness.
He did a MM for me.
Quick and Secure.
I'm sure I've conducted a deal with this user, if not then meh I still find you a trusted user.

User just exchanged 500 dollars worth of PP>BTC.
Vouch for Madness/Ascending he's legit as fuk
Change the title @Ascending,
But he's 100% legit. Me & him go way back.