McDonald or KFC

I prefer McDonalds the best, there big macs and chicken nuggets are just amazing, best thing ever. :] I have a maccys every other week.
KC!!!!! You might like McDonald's most but I like KC better because at school we had to watch a movie about McDonald's and I now know how the chicken nuggets are made. *shudder*
And also KC can be healthier for you.
Well if I am low in the budget I go to mc donalds. But if I have money I prefer KFC. I like their rice bowls, "KUNG PAO". I also love krushers, twister, snack box, and chicken steak. It's so mouth watering.

McDonald's = Fake meat, fake potatoes, fake vegetables, lots of oil.
KFC = Abuse of chicken, steroids, dirty, lots of oil.

It's disgusting, really.
i think KFC and MCD is's delicious..i feel hungry .. :smile: but i prefer KFC more than MCD
Well, I prefer KFC because my all friends are big fan of KFC and they join it so i will prefer KFC andd they daily go for their breakfast.
fenshu said:
i more prefer KFC. i like their chickens, especially hot n spicy, really good. also the chicken more bigger than McD. have you guys do experiments with Mcd fries. i have. it won't rotten in 6 month. really scary stuff

Well I like the spicy chicken too. Hehehe. I like anything spicy.
Woah. I didn't realize the preservatives of mc do fries is that much. I always eat that when I go to Mc Do. Now I'm scared too.
i think i will go to japan to have a nice view there and i want to go disney land in japan i really dreaming of that soon.

i hope i can go there for such a vacation.