/me Thread

/me wishes Dungeoneering would use 3rd person...
/slap Dungeoneering
/me wishes gum would get a bigger trout
/me slaps gum with a Lobster he cooked
/me eats the cooked lobster
/me thinks Dungeoneering used plain logs to cook
/me slaps Dungeoneering with a Reaper
/me laughs because he poisoned the lobster >=)
/me says vanquish lost the +ad.
/me rages at getting a random every 10 mins
/me cries at being laughed at by Vanquish
/me smiles knowing he is Dungeoneerin's inspiration
/me needs a life
/me does not approve of raging lemons and therefore shall not search it
/me doesn't care, I can't find anyone in f2p worlds at lvl 3-5 QQ
Ok guys I think this is meant to be between the community not 2 people lol
/me apologizes for not using 3rd person.
/me will work harder in the future
/me still wants to mage fight masses
/slap Relapse
/me says to use /me
/me says that we're having a very interesting discussion, but feel free to hop in xD
/me says this thread can be with anyone about anything (within the rules ofc)
/me wishes Gum gl
/me starers at relapse weirdly for not doing it <_<=)
/me gets attacked by zombies ahh!
If your going to just keep responding to each other than why not just take it to PM or Msn?
/me says 'Because you can't have a group conversation in a PM.
/me spins the chest and gets a Wunderwaffe!
Relapse said:
If your going to just keep responding to each other than why not just take it to PM or Msn?

/me says Its kinda a game talking in third person
/me says If a few people tell us to stop or w.e Then we will
/me says but its a game

/me says I don't know how to work this ray gun =S I'm not a alien!