Member of the month/Staff of the month

This is an amazing suggestion. I hope it gets implemented!
why is this not yet implemented? A very sexy idea.
I'm hoping Philly will read this sometime. Just a reminder guys, it's Member of the Month AND Staff Member of the Month. There will be two votings, unless you guys would rather just have MOTM?
I feel like this needs some more attention since it is a good suggestion and should be implemented.
I personally do not support your suggestion. It won't turn out as an event to show who's the most contributive member on ForumKorner, it will just turn into a popular contest. Sorry.
I support this.... we all know who the member of the month is :D
Wow i support this 100% but unfortunately for you all i would win every month! Sowwy :3
Bump. Hopefully this can be implemented if Philly seems it's fit.
Seems like a nice idea most forums have this im surprised to see that FK dont anyway great suggestion!
Damn, this is old. I think one of the members here runs an un-official one.