Middleman Tips


Active Member
I am interested in becoming a middleman. I have been asked a countless amount of times to be a middleman, especially when I was Staff, but I always responded with a subtle 'NO'. [font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]I have never really been that interested in becoming a middleman before; I don't know what struck me. I have completed "deals" as a middleman, several times in fact, but for items that have very little monetary value. I would like to middleman items of higher monetary value in an effort to someday earn the 'Official Middleman' title. I believe I have more than what it takes.[/font]

Does anyone have any tips or "techniques" that can help myself, as well as other users, become a trustworthy middleman? Would you utilize me as a middleman?
People really should screen record deals, so that way staff can review them if something went wrong, like in the case of @day and other deals.
As you've been Staff before there's a lot more people that could potentially 'trust' you. The only way to get it out there is just to do deals, word of mouth will get around and then before you know it more and more people will want you to MM for them.

Recording deals is the only way to achieve the OMM title.
Just start off with smaller deals and then proceed to bigger deals once you feel like you've got the hang of it. I'd take you as my middleman any day.
elite said:
don't get banned again

that's a good start
I was banned because I scammed @"Philly". I told him I would cut his grass and trim his bushes for $30.00. Later he found out that I only cut his grass and skipped out on the bushes.

I got banned for speaking my mind. A squeamish little bitch couldn't accept the truth, so I was handed a nice and lengthy ban.

Thank you for the tips.