Most embarrassing moment!!

We do stuff like that, except you pass round something that doesn't hurt if it gets thrown at you :p
We have to throw paper to each other.

So we sometimes do a prank and everyone make one paper and throw it away in the same time.
something happened to me yesterday at school and it sucked camel >.<

It was lunch time so I skipped straight to recess, and I was planning on asking this hot girl out right after recess, but of COURSE, as i'm shooting basketball she just HAPPENS to walk by, so then I got distracted and accidentally hit her in the face with the ball... She slapped me :(

what are the odds of that happening?- very much apparently so....
I think the most embarrassing for me was when I fell into the ditch near my high school. There was flood in front of my school at that time. I walked slowly at the edge of the ditch but suddenly I slipped and fell into the ditch. Everybody who saw that incident laughed loudly. I was so embarrassed.
I think the most embarrassing for me was when I fell into the ditch near my high school. There was flood in front of my school at that time. I walked slowly at the edge of the ditch but suddenly I slipped and fell into the ditch. Everybody who saw that incident laughed loudly. I was so embarrassed.

Unlucky :D Sounds embarasing
i guess when someone caught me and my boyfriend kissing at the back of our comfort room hahaha really funny
haha. I was about to share my experience but I see some didn't share theirs. so I'll keep mine to myself.
Well is this very embarrassing, yet i was reading and then got really thirsty and started drinking my water up until the moment some one was laughing and once i looked away and he had fell and then i threw the water front of the student front of me all over her hair.

Ha..ha.. That can happen to anybody. Then, what was her reaction? And did you apologize?
Hmm I will keep the embaressing moments for myself.
My classmate once had a funny moment, he fell asleep in maths class and we got a teacher from Greece. ( I'm from Holland, do the maths, accent + fun moments ). That teacher took a glass of water and poured it over my classmate's head untill he woke up and shouted: "WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU DOING ?!?!" and then he had to go to the principal for swearing in class :p.
It was we all lol'd sooo much :D. He got suspended for 1 week for sleeping and swearing in class but he did got his hair and face washed :p.