Zune said:This me your talking about & most of these tags people are talking about I have added. The best tag to me I had added and played with was "Thor" & "Queen"
Isn't "A" owned by one of the Xbox Team employees?W said:I played with: Epic, Turd, Fart, nerd, goml, hell, lucifer, Nut, Gary, Sean, Neo, Data, Syndicate, Essential, Dynamite, Adolf, Bong, Day, FYI, BY, Puss, and most favorite gamertag: A
Living said:My Boy Cheefin has one of the best tags, Exorcist.
Kill said:'Missile', 'Negative', 'o o', 'S c u m' (Me), 'Scum'(Scammer), 'Epic', 'Nerd', 'Rage', 'Religion', 'd', 'f', 'A', 'Fault', 'Maximum', 'Nominee', 'I S'(Was almost mine for free :'(), 'Positive', 'Private', 'Clit', 'boner', 'fat', 'kill', 'Scarface', 'V', 'Hell', 'Heavens', 'Lucifer', 'Remote', 'e 6', 'Manlier', 'Girlier', 'Gays', 'Fags', 'Shrek', 'Exorcist', 'Add', 'Day', 'Herd', 'Dark'
Those are just a handful.
FPS said:I've actually seen that tag on some guys friends list, it's for sure an awesome tag!
I'm surprised some of those haven't been banned E.G. Fags , Gays , Clit ect.
Junior said:I've seen X, o, z, and p before. And I'm friends with "Mr" which I think is fucking amazing
Hope said:The best I ve played with: Fault, Discriminate, Limestone, Crossfire, HZ, Grape(me^^), Talk, Carches, Scavenger, Principle. Best in a party: BY.
Violence said:I've Matched people in halo with some nice tags.
First two that come to mind are Destiny and Otto. Oh and I've played against the pro Naded a few times.