MS and Feds investigating FK?

Philly said:
I don't know shit about any of that, however if you are committing fraud I wouldn't doubt that the FBI is going to kick in your door. Why on earth would I make the site invite only? o_O FK hasn't done a damn thing wrong. If you did that is on you, no one else.
Can`t fk get in trouble since they allow the sale of SM's ?
Trojan is in deep. Optic want to charge him criminally whole redit thing about him.
Shift‌ said:
Can`t fk get in trouble since they allow the sale of SM's ?

No? What makes you think that... lol

Pun said:
Trojan is in deep. Optic want to charge him criminally whole redit thing about him.
And please tell me what relevance that has with FK? He is only a member here, what he does off site cannot be controlled by FK nor has anything to do with FK.
This is all a joke guys. There is no way that the FBI would track every single user that SE'd an Xbox/s. MS would have to pay way more money than they lost on these so called "investigations". Don't think that the FBI and MS are working together. MS isn't part of the Government. Also, why would the FBI waste their time on this? The FBI deals with bigger problems. Like Terrorism, catching fugitives, billion dollar scams, etc. Also, it would take the FBI a long time to catch everyone who did this. Most likely, most of the people who SE'd the consoles, did more than one.

On another topic, almost every company gets stolen from. What makes MS so different? It's their fault for allowing an advanced exchange and for not taking the precautionary measures to make sure that they would get their money if they didn't get a console back. The same thing happened last year. There was the same method and they eventually stopped the adv. exc. It's their fault for allowing it again.


So basically, there is nothing to worry about. This is all a joke just like Trojan and Brandon's LR "Exploit". Take a chill pill and shut the fuck up already.
lol yeah its a joke, we were all cracking up on AIM lol.
lol husky made this
Colonel said:
You are all retarded. Do you really think they'd waste their time catching a bunch of teenagers? They have better things to do.

What could be more important than getting money from people. They are a company after all.
I can definitely agree with the invite only idea, but only make it last a week or so. I was never involved in this anyway so I couldn't care less, just looking out for my homies ;)