my boss is so nagging.i have limited time to finish what i have been given she understand the kind of that need to be done is massive but she cann,t take should i explain to her to give more time
It sounds like even your boss is under a deadline. I would suggest trying to talk to her and explainging that you won't be able to turn in your project having done your best work unless you are given a few more days to accomplish it. Good Luck and be sure to word it right, I'm sorry I don't have any suggestions on how to word it but going against a boss is scary scary stuff!
my boss is so nagging.i have limited time to finish what i have been given she understand the kind of that need to be done is massive but she cann,t take should i explain to her to give more time
Thats the sam ereason I quit my job and opened up my own interent cafe busineess. I think I make the same amount of money, and I dont have a boss looking over my shoulder all the time.
Maybe your boss is being pressured to get something done quick and therefore it is being put on your shoulders instead of hers? If so if it gets to a breaking points you may just have to go to your boss and just finally say look, with this stress I can not do my job and be effective so you will have to give me more time. It may be hard to do but most likely necessary!
If really gets to a point where he is abusing, talk to her, and if she doesn't understand quit the job (if you are really really tired). Happyness > money