My Classic Look

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Onyx user!
Been using this look before everybody took it over. Still waiting for my white gloves. I'm in the process of "Wanted!", my Agility skill cape, and my Sara Book from "Horror and the Deep"

Very cool man. I hardly see people wearing Elly now-a-days.
nice style, my bro used to dress similar to that in like 07-08. nearly every skiller dresses like that now :(
Dusk said:
Lol. Nice Look!
You look like a cheap mime, who just arrived in New York from Africa.

It's called elegant for a reason, I look like a boss :blush:.
This style is years and years old though, how can you claim it yourself? lol.
I want to do something like that for my skiller, but i mean there isnt many choices for a skiller :/
my skiller is like 100 times better. I won't screenshot it as it may blow your mind.
Automatic Coding, Stop commenting thinking your skiller is the best all the time if you wont screenshot.
Nice Style, I had the exact same on my old account xD
Imp said:
Automatic Coding, Stop commenting thinking your skiller is the best all the time if you wont screenshot.
Nice Style, I had the exact same on my old account xD

I've screenshoted the stats/bank loads of times, never screenshotted the outfit because IT'LL BLOW YOUR MIND!
Automatic Coding said:
That you saying I don't have it? Wait a second.



lol, I remember when you messed that one up questing.
Should keep doing mage and get 99 at 10hp.
Than it wouldnt look so failed :p
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