My Classic Look

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Jorim™ said:
I agree with Echoes, That looks been around since elegant was introduced into the game people were doing that. You can't claim it, Without a doubt it's been around before you started playing.

What makes you think I haven't been around since elegant was introduced ? I'm probably one of the oldest people on the forum.
Jorim™ said:
Okay? Just because you are old doesn't mean diddly squat, for all I care you could be Sean Connery age that wouldn't mean a thing to me b/c it's still the fact that you didn't come up with that look. You can't say one said person comes up with one said look. It's runescape for crying out loud over 100k People play it. Do you know the possibilities of combination's that will get tried out of all the different clothes/armor and such said objects on that game? More then you can ever comprehend.

Why are you trying too bash my thread ?
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