My rant about FK.

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That should be Justice on the dashboard reports.
Seriously you people that just joined like a month ago shouldn't even be in on this, you have no idea what the site looked like 6 months ago compared to now. We DON'T need more staff or mods, we just needs mods and staff who get shit done. Jimmy does get shit done because i watched him single handedly resolve scam reports and put sections back in order. But yes Thor when you were staff you did also get shit done.
Thor we need you back with us...
Kyle said:
Thor we need you back with us...


if i was willing to be staff and i was offered staff it would be a long and hard thought about wether I would take up the position again

Notorious’ said:
I feel as if FK is going down the drain slowly :-/

i feel like thats been the case ever since the incident between me and christy
Thor 4 staff again. Probably one of the most effective staff members FK has ever seen.
hahahahaha these threads have been coming up all the time since about 3 months after I joined, it will never end...
i fail to see why we havent implemented a plug in so quotes dont count to the 25 char mark. Its really fucking irritating when I quote a post and get warned for a 15 char response LOL!
Cabbage said:
Don't forget the staff that abuse their power, Christ gave me 20% warning for asking a question, and she took it as "harassment"

dude you need to chill out, that isnt abuse you know she gets mad when you call her fat and shit so dont do it LOL! also, a warn is nothing its just a warn
Christy was on vacation, your mod. Fix it.
Well Living, since you're a MOD, I hope you're done with ranting.
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