My Userbar.

I like it randy :D goodluck with the group bb
Better then %99 of the userbars on this or any other forum, please teach me your skills.
Basic said:
So what number does that make me then?

We've been over this mate, There's two Tiers, On the same level.

Friend: @randomjr
Sand-Buddy: @basic

Both are the same calibre. <3
@RandomJr vs @Basic for SPOT #1! LET US BATTLE! ' poke '
This is fuckin' shit mate. :baller:
@Basic, don't call me a fuckin' hater, hater.
@Basic, you got the first "you're" wrong, scrub.
@Basic how can you be his number 1 when you're just to @Basic ? I'm his son, he's my dad now if your such a buddy of his, why aren't you his son? Oh yeah, I'm his son... Also, gg @Amp ( but I wish anyone was my dad irl, my real dad is such a tosser... )
@Basic, well aren't you just special?
@Amp I do believe I am special... I am autistic, it means I is special c: if not, my life is a lie...
@Basic, @Random said I was in his top five. I see how it is.
Basic said:
You know what's special @"amp", the amazing group that @random made, and you're officially not invited to the party.

@randomjr you're a Jr, lower tier material.
Yeah @Basic but the funny thing is that I'm co lead of his group...
@Basic, they go a long way if you know what you're doing.
@Basic, there you go. See I'm pretty useful after all.
@Basic, I didn't say that, you did! ;)
@Basic, it's fuckin' 3 in the morning I don't know what's going on.
@Basic, goodnight. We just had the most random early morning conversation, thanks for that.