nasty awfully disgusting ugly instagram


User is banned.

I pray to the ____ every morning.

Please appraise this for me, it is an instagram.
That's a pretty sick Instagram you got there. I'm not sure what the Instagram market is, but if I had to guess, I'd have to say around $140-170.
Fireworks said:
That's a pretty sick Instagram you got there. I'm not sure what the Instagram market is, but if I had to guess, I'd have to say around $140-170.

Thanks for your appraisal. I'm looking for a bit more.
@Painkiller you most likely won't get more then what he appraised it for :/
Dreams said:
@Painkiller you most likely won't get more then what he appraised it for :/

Alright man. Thanks for the appraisal, I appreciate it!
I'd totally drop 150 on this, but I'm broke. soooo yeah. glws tho banana-man.
$180 max on this, if you can find a buyer who would pay more it'll fluctuate a little. If you were to sell it you could easily BIN at $200, even if people don't meet the BIN you'd still be getting a fair price if its anything over $140
Random said:
I'd totally drop 150 on this, but I'm broke. soooo yeah. glws tho banana-man.

I'm working on an eBook for getting that kind of money.

First you have to find 15,000 forums, and stick a flaming banana in your ass on skype for a cent each. 100% autopilot.

Thanks for the appraisal, means a lot.

Yeah, this is a pretty good semi. I'll be setting a BIN at $200.

Do any of you guys think this is probably the best semi on the market?
Pac said:
This Instagram is worth $120-150.
I honestly think this can go for $180-200.

This is a plural of probably the best instagram possible, except 1 letters.
If you actually own this and plan on selling it make sure to hit me the fuck up.
Getting this in 2 days. Not saying any more than that!
