need a final @, trading mine


User is banned.
hint: ayy

hint: you can guEss

hint: eM

trading one or more for a final @
please no semis, thanks! HMU asap

will only use @beam as a middleman :)
i would like to buy e ch ill pm you now
BUMP BUMP BUMP please boys I wanna get rid of these, im not selling only trading
id watch out from this user lol wanted to do the deal so bad then backs out at the last moment when i didnt want to swap lmao glws?
bid said:
id watch out from this user lol wanted to do the deal so bad then backs out at the last moment when i didnt want to swap lmao glws?

Just use a middle man. Zeus or Beam
Geek89 said:
Just use a middle man. Zeus or Beam

thats the thing lmao beam was there we were using him but im not even sweating it lol glws cp
Busy said:
thats the thing lmao beam was there we were using him but im not even sweating it lol glws cp

Lol seems like an obvious turbo or pullback attempt. I'd DWC
Busy said:
thats the thing lmao beam was there we were using him but im not even sweating it lol glws cp
redo boy, you invited me to a chat w beam without me even being ready, seems a little fishy from both ends of you ask me, no hard feelings though
C P said:
redo boy, you invited me to a chat w beam without me even being ready, seems a little fishy from both ends of you ask me, no hard feelings though

love how you say fishy from both ends, but @beam is still the only mm you'd use.

GLWS OP :--)
I'm very interested in the @e*ch

Lmk what you looking for. Could use @beam for MM
OVOXO said:
love how you say fishy from both ends, but @beam is still the only mm you'd use.

GLWS OP :--)
 I meant mine and redo'a end... chill lmao if you're not here to reply w something related to my thread then leave
C P said:
 I meant mine and redo'a end... chill lmao if you're not here to reply w something related to my thread then leave

That makes no sense at all, how could it be "fishy" on your end unless you were trying to scam him. I will leave though, goodbye.