Need a gamertag price checked?

Need a 5 letter OG appraised haven't been in the GT game for a while PM me for it only serious people.
Philly said:
Post Below Your xbox account and Other members and I, Will do as best as we can to assist you with the price your account is worth.​

Need gamertag UD6 appraised please
GT: Ampl*f*er. hint: ii
On a freshy

I want to know how much is this tag worth.
Whitelists -- 11th prestige Mw2, unlocked all, some stats on bo2. Everything on WaW. I think a lot of money on GTA V but not sure :)
Washboards -- Nothing; fresh silver. But Zone still says none and has OG xbox gamer pic bcuz it hasnt been on a console so you can keep it like that if you want.

P.s. both are mostly selling for the tag itself

Deme said:
GT - W*terc*lor
hint - a type of painting

probably one of the coolest GamerTags I've witnessd glws/t :)

BigMeech said:
Gamertag: bowlcuts

Just looking at how much. Kind of a funny tag

ill give you "Photo Filters" for it
I have the GT Stinkier
What do you guys think?
How much will the Tag Theology go for?
Its 7th prestige on mw3 everything unlocked
Bo2 maxed out
Gta 5 lvl 120 i think and everything maxed too
Sup guys, wondering the price of a gamertag that is the same letter 15 times.
GT: Infirmary

Just want the tag itself price checked please.
My friend wants his tag appraised. It has:

7 Year Tenure
104,317 Gamerscore (All legit)

In-Game Stats:

WaW - Max Prestige
Bo1 - 1st Prestige
Bo2 - Max Prestige
Cod 4 - 10th or 11th Prestige
Mw2 - 10th Prestige

Digitally Downloaded Games:
Zombie Army Trilogy
Tomb Raider Definitive Edition
Sunset Overdrive
World of Tanks
The Deer God
State of Decay
Resident Evil
Pool Nation FX
Shadow of Mordor
Metro Last Light Redux
Metro 2033
How to Survive
Killer Instinct
Magic Duels
Metal Gear Solid V
Goat Simulator
Dying Light
Crimson Dragon
Battle Field Hard-line
Alien Isolation
Star Wars Battlefront
Payday 2
Never Alone
Need for Speed
Halo 5
Rory McLlroy PGA Tour
And 70 or so more Arcade and some other games he has on his 360.

Yes, it's a long list but he's curious :)
Gamertag: Prewarfare
Gamerscore: 264, 214
Gold: Until 4/25/17 (1 Year Of XBL Gold)


COD4: 10th Prestige/Level 55/Unlock All
WAW: 10th Prestige/Level 65/Unlock All
MW2: 10th Prestige/Level 70/Unlock All
MW3: 20th Prestige/Level 80/GodMode&Invisibility Classes
BO1: 15th Prestige/Level 50/Almost All Gold Weapons
BO2: No prestige/Level 55/All Diamond Guns

Games/DLCs: None!
just wondering how much VXFX would be worth, a VX1000 is a very famous skating camera and fx sounds like effects haha so it kinda sounds like vx effects, just wondering if it's worth anything
Delete thissss

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My GT is LLC. Wondering if it's worth anything compared to now & the future, due to GT release. Thanks