Need fresh instagrams


Onyx user!
in need of a fresh instagram to swap @'s
I have a free fresh instagram if you want it I'm not using it's just sitting there
ihy said:
Pm me if you need one. I can get unlimited.

Hey i don't need one anymore but I'll hit you up if i need one:)
ihy said:
Pm me if you need one. I can get unlimited.

Hey mate can you please give me one and if u by any chance have one named red or black or white like the words... and would like to give it to me then that would be greatly apriciated
PBV said:
Hey mate can you please give me one and if u by any chance have one named red or black or white like the words... and would like to give it to me then that would be greatly apriciated

Are you asking him to give you the IG Red/Black/White?
Gen said:
Are you asking him to give you the IG Red/Black/White?
Correct mate! But thats if he has it and is comfartable with giving it away.
@phony you phony little wanker you, you should really go fuck yourself mate... fuck off.yeah. putting my rep as -10 and saying... "this is what @Beam meant" u ignorant little twat mate
@beam go easy on him he's a little fishy in a big ocean
Beam said:
Well let me just ask you a question, if he could get instagrams such as Red/Black created, why couldn't you lol?

Because their taken... like dafuq