Need GFX for my new Usergroup


Active Member
Hey so the title pretty much say it all. 

I just bought my first User Group on the forum and I need some help creating the GFX for it!

I have an idea of what I'd like he Userbar to look like. It isn't a hard job I just don't know how to accomplish it as well as some others on the forum could. 

I'm gonna tag three well respected Graphic Artists on the forum but I'm willing to work with anyone I feel can get the job done.

@Hurt (Did an amazing job on my award, thanks again)
Might be able to help you out. Can't let Sector take the throne.
Astro said:
Might be able to help you out. Can't let Sector take the throne.
It would be very much appreciated .
If you use somebody use Astro if he's available, everybody else on this forum sucks compared to him
Package said:
If you use somebody use Astro if he's available, everybody else on this forum sucks compared to him
I think you have some research to do.

Senile said:
I think you have some research to do.

Depends on what kind of graphics the OP wants.

But yeah, if Astro is too busy go to Sector, he does some good work.
Package said:
Depends on what kind of graphics the OP wants.

But yeah, if Astro is too busy go to Sector, he does some good work.
I mean I know both artist are extremely good at what they do, and both of them have produced awesome UB's
Let me know if you'd like me to do this. I just have to finish userbars for dcent and AKG.
I can help you out. Pm me what you would like done