Need new mods

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Chewboxxy said:
Me and All Day Win are just normal members just like The rest of you but we have more things available for us to moderate. Just because two us want to try to RAISE gold prices, doesn't mean we are controlling. If we really wanted to control it, we could just remove the thread. I don't see how we are bad people for trying to help fellow gold sellers here. We did it in the least hurtful way, yet you guys get sooooo offended. I don't get why you freak out when everyone gets negged rep. Hence, why rep needs to be removed because it causes more problems thAn good.

Sorry I'm in a grammar nazi mood and felt like I had to fix someones, so I fixed the easiest one:laugh:. At least I think you're trying to raise it, and that it's a thAn and not a thEn.

So my opinions: .2/m or whatever is ridiculous. Everyone is handling this the wrong way.
1. Chewboxxy and All Day Win have a right to state their opinions, saying they want higher gold prices. They should NOT have posted saying to "neg rep him". I'm not sure if you've tried, but have you even talked to him 1on1 to try and figure it out?
2. This thread itself is out of hand, everyone is flaming each other. Both sides have good points, so that means we need a compromise, which I am to lazy to make. Maybe like prices at .5/.6 and all -neg rep regarding this topic is removed?

EDIT: 500th post xD.
James said:
George said:
You're an idiot, They're trying to bring the gold economy back up after people like him are destroying it for others.

The management on this site is truly amazing, None of them are biased and none of them have any reason to hate you, unless you give them one.

None of them are bias? (That's my warning level)

You deserved it when you decided to buttfuck AC. Opinion.
James said:
George said:
You're an idiot, They're trying to bring the gold economy back up after people like him are destroying it for others.

The management on this site is truly amazing, None of them are biased and none of them have any reason to hate you, unless you give them one.

None of them are bias? (That's my warning level)

My warning level is on 0% at the moment.
James said:
George said:
You're an idiot, They're trying to bring the gold economy back up after people like him are destroying it for others.

The management on this site is truly amazing, None of them are biased and none of them have any reason to hate you, unless you give them one.

None of them are bias? (That's my warning level)
You deserve warning levels... you're so LQ.
I deserved some of them, but not all of them and other mods could have warned me. He also sent me PMs sayint "Tic Toc" and such.
James said:
I deserved some of them, but not all of them and other mods could have warned me. He also sent me PMs sayint "Tic Toc" and such.

I find that kinda funny =P
But if you think about it isn't that kinda abuse? watching every thing you do just to warn you

Idk what he warned you for so I cant say but yea Could be abuse or couldn't Who knows
This thread is just a cluster-f*ck of flaming. Can't you guys just stop arguing? No staff member has abused their abilities. They are just strongly opinionated towards selling gold at higher prices. If someone wants to sell their gold at .2, have fun, it's their loss. I think we all should just take it like a boss and move on because all of this flaming just leads nowhere. :rolleyes3:
This is exactly why Chewbaka is correct. The only reason that you are mad is because you were given a negative reputation by both of the moderators that you listed.

There is no point to the reputation system, it brings no good to the forum, only negative things.

If people like you get butthurt over the reputation system it makes the forum less enjoyable for everyone.

You just proved what Chewbaka has been trying to show, that the reputation system needs to be removed because it causes too many problems.

Grow up.
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