Need urgent information on a one letter aka @Mike

Please don't make such accusations @Xans.
I would like information on making a purchase or where the account is now located.
OG email etc
Gokuuuuuuuuuuuu said:
Please don't make such accusations @Xans.
I would like information on making a purchase or where the account is now located.
OG email etc

It's not an accusation, it's a fact. Have fun with Mike.
Mike does still have @B, and he is NOT going to give you it ever, or he WILL NEVER sell it to anyone.
Somic666 said:
Mike does still have @B, and he is NOT going to give you it ever, or he WILL NEVER sell it to anyone.
Didn't @Satan on instagram have his info still linked to it?
Gokuuuuuuuuuuuu said:
Didn't @Satan on instagram have his info still linked to it?

No, he don't. Only Mike does. Just stop, drop it, and leave Mike alone. He isn't going to give you it nor he will not give it to anyone
Somic666 said:
No, he don't. Only Mike does. Just stop, drop it, and leave Mike alone. He isn't going to give you it nor he will not give it to anyone

I will turbo this for 2 years if I have to. I want the truth
Gokuuuuuuuuuuuu said:
It seems like you were planning on getting this and I ruined your plans. So sad buddy
but i want to know
Can you not understand fucking english mike isnt going to give you shit nor is he swapping it you are an idiot
Gokuuuuuuuuuuuu said:
Hello sir no idea who you are. but not what i asked for.
thank you
Gokuuuuuuuuuuuu said:
You are looking to buy it and dodging my questions sir.
now bye @666 @999 @SONIC
Sir, I'm not buying it off him, are you just so fucking idiot. Him and I are friends. We are working on something. Just fuck off, go fuck your self
Somic666 said:
Sir, I'm not buying it off him, are you just so fucking idiot. Him and I are friends. We are working on something. Just fuck off, go fuck your self

"working on something"
turbo locked

what does working on something have to do with the current situation