Netflix Recommendations

Loser said:
Title: American Horror Story Season 1
Genre: Action/Drama/A little Horror
Your Rating: 10/10
Run Time: 45 minutes per episode.

So good, I went "purging" and watched the whole season in under 24 hours. Don't worry though, it was during winter when it was -50 degrees outside, so I couldn't do anything.

I'm already watching that. :/
I need something new guys.
Arrest said:
I'm already watching that.

I need something new guys.
You could watch season 3 illegally, it was my favorite season.
Title: Prison Break
Genre: Crime
Your Rating: 9/10
Run Time: 1 hour

This is another great show that always leaves you on the edge of your seat. There are also a lot of twists in the plot, which is the reason why the show is so good. I would highly recommend watching it.
Gonna have to second @white on RvB. Make sure you watch seasons 6-9 next on YouTube though, that's where the story really gets a lot better.
Title: Trailer Park Boys
Genre: Comedy/Canada
Your Rating: 10/10
Run Time: like 22 minute episodes
Title: Supernatural
Genre: Action
Your Rating: 10/10
Run Time: 45 min.

Title: The office
Genre: Comedy
Your Rating: 10/10
Run Time: 23 min
Arrest said:
Post any Netflix recommendations you have here.


Your Rating:
Run Time:

I always need something to watch.

Also, specify if you are EU, because we (US) don't have some of the shows and movies that you have over there.

Stay on TV shows, it gives you something to watch more consistently. A movie last under 2 hours. Then you gotta find a new one everyday which is a huge time waster on Netflix.

Where as to you find a good show you know exactly what to watch right when you get on. And plus they're better.

A few shows i loved

-Prison Break
- Heroes
-White Collar
-Burn Notice (Best)
-Terra Nova (only one season :( )
- Jericho (Also REALLYY Good)

like 5 more just cant think of the names
Title: Hannibal
Genre: Suspense/TV Series
Your Rating: 10/10
Run Time: 3 Seasons

Hands down the best TV show I've seen once you get into it.
Title: Dexter
Genre: Drama/Thriller
Your Rating: 9
Run Time: 1 Hour / Episode

I'm sure you have watched this already lmao.

Title: Teen Wolf (don't laugh)
Genre: Action/Adventure/Thriller
Your Rating: 10/10
Run Time: 1 Hour per ep.

One of the best shows I've watched in awhile. New episodes come on Monday 10 PM (EST) on MTV :p
FadeJr said:
Title: Dexter
Genre: Drama/Thriller
Your Rating: 9
Run Time: 1 Hour / Episode

I'm sure you have watched this already lmao.

Title: Teen Wolf (don't laugh)
Genre: Action/Adventure/Thriller
Your Rating: 10/10
Run Time: 1 Hour per ep.

One of the best shows I've watched in awhile. New episodes come on Monday 10 PM (EST) on MTV

I have watched both of these, but I got bored of Teen Wolf per the sexuality and the drama with relationships, just didn't interest me much. The first season where they actually played lacrosse was good but much farther than that it was basically a joke to me.
Arrest said:
I have watched both of these, but I got bored of Teen Wolf per the sexuality and the drama with relationships, just didn't interest me much. The first season where they actually played lacrosse was good but much farther than that it was basically a joke to me.

I know what you mean but it's on season 4 and it is fucking hype now bro.