New Award (Please Read)

Member has to be here for a 3-4 months.
600 rep
3k posts
30 vouches
Has to own all upgrades.
Superman said:
This is your award correct? You could just check their profile and determine how high quality they are. Only would take a few minutes. Read my edit on my first post as well :p

Yeah i've read it.
Ive sent you a Pm on my thoughts.

Shot said:
Member has to be here for a 3-4 months.
600 rep
3k posts
30 vouches
Has to own all upgrades.

Leaning towards that idea.
We will see further down the track.
Is power+ gonna be included in the requirements because some people dont have all that money for it like me LOL
The rep requirement is kind of stupid in my opinion. If you really want rep then it's not hard to get. Also make it so you must be a 1 year member. Pretty cool award though man!
This looks really nice!
I can tell you really want to make it exclusive.
The vouches themselves would be pretty hard to get. If this is put into place, I will try to achieve it.

Also, for post requirement.. I think 800 is a good amount.
I say
-1-2k posts(Anyone can obtain posts so if you have over 1k you should be good)
-700 rep
-Member for 6+months or maybe even a year
-Atleast 1 Months of online time
-Fully upgraded

Legend said:
The rep requirement is kind of stupid in my opinion. If you really want rep then it's not hard to get. Also make it so you must be a 1 year member. Pretty cool award though man!
I kinda agree with this but I think that this also goes towards posts too because anyone can spam the forums and post, so like 1-2k should be enough