new combat


Onyx user!
i heard with the new combat thing there taking out spec bars? WTF!
Your joking right? seriously
Where'd you hear that :eek:
On forums ill try find it and link it , J mod Athe, said all spec bars will be removed but will be swapped with different abilites depending on the weapon, E.g the dragon claw ability is called flurry. Thats wat he said and he said like ability to heal ur opps next hit so if he hit 300 and before that u do that def/hp ability u get healed 300, different tanking abilities, different combos
Seriously fuck this shit, I don't play rs and this shit confirms that I will never ever return.
It actually looks really good, no more rushing, pking takes skill, different combos, all weapons will retain their value, different abilities( just like specs) for different weapons
Yes, it is confirmed that all specs will be removed.
which is why all high level attacking weps (I.E: dragon claws) are dropping, you can buy claws for about ~5m now